Monday, May 31, 2010

Configuring Song Options in the Info Window

You can configure a song’s options in the Info window by performing the following steps:
  1. Select the song whose options you want to set.
  2. Open the Info window.
  3. Click the Options tab
  4. To change the song’s relative volume, drag the Volume Adjustment slider to the left to make the song quieter or to the right to make it louder.
  5. To rate the song, click the dot representing the number of stars you want to give the song in the My Rating field. For example, to give the song three stars, click the center (third) dot. Stars will appear up to the point at which you click. In other words, before you click you’ll see a dot. After you click a dot, it becomes a star.
  6. To set a start time, check the Start Time check box and enter a time in the format minutes:seconds. When you play the song, it will start playing at the time you enter. When you set a start or stop time, you don’t change the song file in any way. You can play the whole song again by unchecking the Start Time or Stop Time check box.
  7. To set a stop time, check the Stop Time check box and enter a time in the format minutes:seconds. When you play the song, it will stop playing at the time you enter.
  8. Click OK. The window will close and your changes will be saved.

Configuring a Song’s Options

You can configure a number of options for the songs in your Library, including the following:
■ Relative Volume—You can change a song’s relative volume so that it is either louder or quieter than “normal.” This is useful if you like to listen to songs that are recorded at a variety of volume levels so that the volume remains somewhat similar as you move from song to song.
■ Equalizer Preset—You can use the iTunes Equalizer to configure the relative volume of sound frequencies.
■ My Rating—You can give tunes a rating from one to five stars. You can use ratings in various ways, such as to create criteria for playlists (such as include only my five-star songs) or to sort the Content pane.
■ Start and Stop Time—You can set songs to start or stop at certain points in the track. This can be useful if you don’t want to hear all of a track, such as when a song has an introduction that you don’t want to hear each time the song plays.

Labeling a Song in the Content Pane

You can also edit tags within the Content pane:
1. Click once on a song to select it.
2. Click once on the tag you want to edit. The tag will become highlighted to show that it is ready to be edited (see Figure)
3. Type the new information.
4. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac). The changes you made will be saved.