Saturday, February 23, 2008

Configuring an iPod on Your Computer

The first time you connect an iPod to your computer, the iPod will turn on and immediately be mounted on your computer, iTunes will open, and the iPod Setup Assistant will open. Type a name for your iPod in the text box. You can use any name you’d like; this will be the name of your iPod when it is shown in the iTunes Source List. Check the Automatically update my iPod check box.

Then click Finish (Windows) or Done (Mac). iTunes will update the iPod and will transfer all the music in your iTunes Library onto the iPod—if it can. While music is being transferred, the iPod icon on the iTunes Source List will flash red. You’ll also see information about the transfer in the iTunes Information area at the top of the iTunes window. If you are playing music while you transfer music to an iPod, you will see information about the music you are playing rather than information about the transfer.

If all the music in your iTunes Library will fit on the iPod, the rocess will complete without any further action rom you. When this process is complete, you will ear a “whoosh” sound and you’ll see the “iPod pdate is complete” message in the information rea at the top of the iTunes window. The “OK to isconnect” message will also be displayed on the Pod’s screen. When you see these messages, you an disconnect your iPod from your computer. queeze the buttons on each side of the Dock onnector end of the cable and remove the cable rom the iPod; the iPod will be ready to use. You an leave the cable plugged into your computer f you want to.

If there is more music in your iTunes Library than can fit on the iPod, you will see a message telling you that the iPod doesn’t have enough room for all your music (see Figure 2.9). In this case, iTunes will create a playlist of music that will fit on the iPod and then transfer this music to your iPod. This is fine for now; in later chapters, you’ll learn how to choose which music is transferred onto your iPod. Click OK to close the message window.

iTunes will move the playlist it created (whose ame will be the name of your iPod plus the word Selection”) onto your iPod. When this process is omplete, you will hear a “whoosh” sound and u’ll see the “iPod update is complete” message in the information area at the top of the iTunes window.

The “OK to disconnect” message will also be isplayed on the iPod’s screen. When you see these essages, you can disconnect your iPod from your omputer. Squeeze the buttons on each side of the ock connector end of the cable and remove the able from the iPod; the iPod will be ready to use.

You can leave the cable plugged into your computer if you want to.

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