Friday, March 21, 2008

How to Determine Free Space You Have on an iPod

You have two ways to determine how large the disk is in your iPod.
One is to refer to the documentation that came with your iPod, or perhaps you can simply remember the size of iPod you purchased. At press time, the possibilities were about 4GB for an iPod mini and 15GB, 20GB, or 40GB for an iPod. This method is easy and provides a pretty good estimate of the room on your iPod’s disk.

If you can’t remember or want to determine the iPod’s available disk space more accurately, you can get this information directly from the iPod itself. To do this, choose Main menu, Settings, About. On the resulting About menu, you’ll see the capacity of your iPod’s disk The capacity shown on the About menu is the amount of storage space available for your music. Some space is required to store the files needed for the iPod to function. This is the reason that the capacity you see will always be slightly less than the rated size of the iPod’s disk.

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