Thursday, April 10, 2008

Setting Up Your Main Menu Preferences

You can configure the commands on the iPod’s Main menu to customize it to suit your preferences. For example, suppose you frequently browse your music by artist. You can add the Browse by Artist command to the Main menu so that you don’t have to drill down through the Browse menu to get to this category you use frequently.
To configure your Main menu, do the following steps:
  1. Choose Main menu, Settings. The Settings menu will appear.
  2. Highlight Main Menu and press the Select button. You’ll see the Main Menu menu. On this menu, each command is listed along with its current Main menu state. If “On” is listed next to a command, it appears on the Main menu. If “Off” is listed to a command, it doesn’t appear on the Main menu.
  3. To add a command to the Main menu, highlight it and press the Select button so that “On” is listed next to that command. That command will then appear on the Main menu.
  4. To remove a command from the Main menu, highlight it and press the Select button so that “Off” is listed next to that command. That command will not appear on the Main menu.
  5. Repeats step 3 or 4 for each command until you have set all the commands you want on the Main menu to “On” and all those you don’t want to appear on the Main menu to “Off.” When you view the Main menu, your command preferences will be in effect

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