Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lots more ways to control the tunes

That’s it. You now know everything you need to listen to an audio CD. However, there are lots more ways to control the tunes, some of which are in the following list:
  • Double-click any song to play it. When you do that, the speaker icon will jump to the song on which you double-clicked and it will play.
  • When a song is playing and you click and hold the Rewind or Fast Forward button down, the song will rewind or fast forward until you release the button.
  • If a song is not playing or a song is playing but you single-click (but don’t hold the button down) the Rewind or Fast Forward button, the previous or next song, respectively, will be selected. You can also choose Controls, Next Song or Controls, Previous Song to move to the next or the previous song. And for yet another method to do the same thing, use the Ctrl+right arrow and Ctrl+left arrow keys on a Windows PC or the „+right arrow and „+left arrow keys on a Mac to move to the next or previous song.
  • You can set a default action for iTunes to perform each time you insert a CD into your computer. You do this with the iTunes Preferences dialog box, which you will be using throughout this part of the book. Choose Edit, Preferences (Windows) or iTunes, Preferences (Mac). The Preferences dialog box will appear. The Preferences dialog box has several panes that you access by clicking the related tab (Windows) or icon (Mac). Click the General tab (Windows) or General icon (Mac). Use the On CD Insert dropdown list to choose the default action iTunes should perform when it recognizes an audio CD. Show Songs just displays the list of tracks on the CD. Begin Playing starts playing the CD as soon as it is mounted on your computer (this does the same thing as clicking the Play button). Import Songs adds the selected songs on the CD to your Library. Import Songs and Eject does the same thing as Import Songs, but it ejects the CD when all its tracks have been added to your Library.
  • To remove a CD from your computer, select it in the Source List and choose Controls, Eject Disc, press Ctrl+E (Windows) or „+E (Macintosh), or click the Eject button located in the lower-right corner of the iTunes window.

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